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EmSAT Writing Prompts -EMSAT PLUS

  • October 17, 2024

1. In the future, many more people in cities may live in apartments instead of houses.  

What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?  

Discuss your ideas and support them with reasons and examples.

2. Electric cars are becoming more and more popular, and they seem to be the future of the automotive industry.  

What are the advantages and disadvantages of e-cars?  

Would you consider owning an electric car? Why or why not?  

Discuss your ideas and support them with reasons and examples.

3. Can online friends be as important as face-to-face friendships?  

Discuss your ideas and support them with reasons and examples.

4. Plastic is useful, but it can also damage the environment.  

Discuss your ideas and support them with reasons and examples.

How can people reduce the amount of plastic they use in their day-to-day life?  

5. People are working harder and longer hours in our modern society. Does this lead to a happier society? Why or why not?  

Discuss your ideas and support them with reasons and examples.

6. Many young college students today have some difficulty in finding a job after they leave college or university.  

What can governments do to support students after they complete their higher education?  

Discuss your ideas and support them with reasons and examples.

7. Many people are now working from home every day instead of traveling to the office.  

What are the advantages and disadvantages of this for workers and employers?  

Discuss your ideas and support them with reasons and examples.

8. Many people don’t like to wait for long. They want things to happen quickly, without waiting.  

Why is this? Should we be more patient in life, and if so, how?  

Discuss your ideas and support them with reasons and examples.

9. Scientists have helped to make life better in many ways. However, some people think that music and art are just as useful as science.  

Discuss whether you agree or disagree.  

Discuss your ideas and support them with reasons and examples.

10. What are the advantages and disadvantages of spending one’s vacation in one’s country?  

Discuss your ideas and support them with reasons and examples.

11. Some people do not like to share information about their finances.  

Do you mind sharing information about your salary with others? Why or why not?  

Discuss your ideas and support them with reasons and examples.

12. Many people prefer to study alone while others do not.  

Do you prefer studying alone or with friends?  

Support your opinion with reasons and examples.

13. Some people say celebrities have chosen their fame and so should not have the same level of privacy as the general public. On the other hand, some people say that they are entitled to the same privacy as everyone else.  

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

14. In some countries, young people leave their parents’ home at the age of 18 to go to college or to work.  

What effects can this have on family life, and what effects can it have on personal development?

15. Some people are always in a hurry to go places and get things done. Other people prefer to take their time and live life at a slower pace.  

Which do you prefer?

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